Friday, July 24, 2020

10 Blog Topics to Build Your Real Estate Profile

10 Blog Topics to Build Your Real Estate Profile 10 Blog Topics to Build Your Real Estate Profile Becoming a real estate agent is not just about getting a license. There’re a lot of tasks and costs involved in getting started as a working agent. In essence, you’re starting your own small business. You have to invest the time and money to get it off the ground. You are an independent contractor, which means you need a standalone business model and a business plan. body{background:#fff} .simple_slider p{font-family:'Roboto',sans-serif; font-size:18px; line-height:22px} .simple_slider h3{font-family:'Roboto',sans-serif; font-size:32px} .simple_slider h3 a{font-family:'Roboto',sans-serif; font-size:32px; text-decoration:none; color:#fff} .simple_slider .onecolor{background-color:#007357;} .simple_slider .purple{background-color:#cb391a} .simple_slider .purple2{background-color:#331259} .simple_slider .pink{background-color:#dc311f} .simple_slider .green{background-color:#85ad05} .simple_slider .green-dark{background-color:#556409} .simple_slider .orange{background-color:#e1640f} .simple_slider .brown{background-color:#602817} .simple_slider .blue{background-color:#002a89} .simple_slider .cyan{background-color:#03628e} .simple_slider .dorange{background-color:#ed1b24} .simple_slider .black{background-color:#0f0801} .simple_slider .gray{background-color:#525759} .simple_slider{width:100%; 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After a few years in the biz, youll have plenty of raw material and insight. The real estate industry is brimming with interesting topics to explore such as financing, economics, social trends, interior decorating, marketing, psychology, negotiation, appraisal, and law. Get into a writing habit daily or weekly. Keep a little notebook handy to jot down topic ideas. And keep up a regular publishing schedule so readers dont lose interest. You can probably find 10 blog ideas any day of the year as a real estate agent. Here are some blog topics for the next time youre looking for something new to write about… 1. Get to Know You People prefer to work with someone they know and trust. If consumers can get to know more about your history, processes, talents, awards, and former clients, they may feel more comfortable choosing you to handle one of the biggest, and most stressful, transactions of their lives. © 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 2. Local Market Real estate is local. You want to establish yourself as the local expert, so why not show it? There are tons of topic ideas all around you: Events Businesses Trends Entertainment Luxury properties Affordable properties Local issues Interviews Hot neighborhoods © 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 3. Target Your Target Audience What is your audience interested in? What do they need to know? Surely, youve already done lots of research to get to know your audience. Use that consumer profile to generate relevant blog topics targeted to each group. © 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 4. Staging and Showing Tips This is where you really get to have fun and unleash your creative side. Sellers are always hungry for advice on how to make their houses more attractive to buyers. Staging and showing tips are usually standard advice for clients. Give readers an idea of what its like to work with you. © 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 5. Buyer and Seller Checklists and Guides Buyers guides, sellers checklists, listing plans. There are many different steps and processes in a sales transaction that consumers know little about. Offer slick-looking, printable guides, how-tos, lists, and infographics © 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 6. Explain Sales Transactions Do a step-by-step explainer of a typical transaction from the buyers perspective and/or the sellers. Or look for topics or terms than non-agents often misunderstand. Explain a complicated, multi-party process like financing or closing. © 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 7. Trends Architecture, interior design, green building, mortgages, and advertising see trends come and go. Spotlight a few trends that are heating up in your city. © 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 8. Field Guide As a slide show or infographic, put together a field guide to house styles, mortgage types, negotiation strategies, contracts or anything else people want to learn more about. Whats the difference between a balloon mortgage and a wrap-around mortgage? Whats the difference between a Victorian house and a Tudor style? © 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 9. Advice for Agents Establishing a great reputation among other agents is important for business, so dont forget that audience, especially if youre experienced. Perhaps start a weekly or monthly column offering advice and tips for other real estate professionals. © 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 10. Renovations and Repairs Homeowners want to know which renovations and upgrades have the best return on investment. How much does it cost to put on a new roof? Whats the cost of a new furnace? What repairs should homeowners do each year to properly maintain a house? Both buyers and sellers will want to know which renovations will add value to a house. © 2018 | 888-360-8764 | © 2018 | 888-360-8764 | / /company/360training /360training /360training © 2018 | 888-360-8764 | When you renew your license every few years, there’ll be between $50 $300 for continuing education. Marketing is one of the largest expenses for an agent. Some spend over $1,000 per year on marketing. A big part of your budget the first year will go toward marketing yourself and your listings. A good-looking real estate web site can cost up to $1,500 per year. Then there’s also business cards, signs, flyers, and brochures. It can be tough to get started, but a career in real estate is interesting and rewarding with lots of independence and room to grow. Before you begin an exciting journey in real estate, research expenses in your area, draft a business plan and a budget, and save money for an income buffer. Click To Tweet Your first year as a real estate agent will proceed smoothly and successfully with some preparation before you start. The first step in becoming a real estate agent is completing the real estate pre-license course required in your state. The hassle-free choice is, a trusted provider of online real estate education. Take your real estate training at your own pace whenever you want. Enroll today!

Friday, July 17, 2020

Bill Gates didnt take one day of vacation in his 20s

Bill Gates didn't take one day of excursion in his 20s Bill Gates didn't take one day of excursion in his 20s At times when you're in the beginning periods of a mammoth undertaking, you're got the chance to consume it â€" taking a stab long, hard hours, with brief period for anything in the middle. On the off chance that you let up for a considerable length of time, even days, a contender you didn't have any acquaintance with you had may sneak up behind you and have your lunch. That is the reason Bill Gates propelled himself so hard in his twenties and mid thirties at Microsoft, getting one of tech's most well known workaholics.I never took a vacation day in my twenties. Not one, the tech extremely rich person has said.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders' magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!Push, push, pushLast Saturday, at an occasion facilitated for authors by adventure firm Village Global, Eventbrite prime supporter and CEO Julia Hartz inquired as to whether his no get-away, no ends of the week strategy had changed sinc e the beginning of Microsoft. She likewise inquired as to whether the idea of work-life balance was even feasible for beginning time founders.Sort of, Gates said. How quickly you drive yourself to function relies upon where you are throughout everyday life and what you need to accomplish.For my specific cosmetics, it truly is genuine that I didn't put stock in ends of the week; I didn't have confidence in excursions, Gates said.But there's a technique to the franticness, he stated, a lot of what had to do with the criticalness of the champ bring home all the glory market of the tech industry.I don't suggest his strategy, he proceeded. I don't figure a great many people would appreciate it.But he thought that it was vital, in any event at first. It is pleasant, if during those initial quite a long while on the off chance that you have a group that is picked to be really twisted about the organization… I have a genuinely in-your-face see that there ought to be an enormous penance ma de during those early years.Much of this is explicit to his business. In the product world â€" especially for stages â€" these are champ bring home all the glory markets.Once some significant additions were made, Gates stated, he loosened up a little.Once I got into my thirties… by then a characteristic conduct kicked in and I adored ends of the week, and my better half enjoyed excursions, and that ended up being somewhat of a perfect thing. Presently, I take heaps of get-aways. My 20-year-old self is so appalled with my current self.And now he even possesses energy for pastimes. At the point when gotten some information about his renowned book records [36:34], Gates snickered at the time he presently offered himself to peruse. The decent thing now that I'm not all that outrageous â€" in my twenties I didn't get the opportunity to peruse much by any means.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Resume Writing Psychology Skills Features

Resume Writing Psychology Skills Features How to Get Started with Resume Writing Psychology Skills? Composing the perfect research associate resume target or synopsis can be testing. Utilize the assistance of genuine scholarly specialists and get the administration you've earned! Analyze the examination expected set of responsibilities and quest for aptitudes related watchword phrases. Audit this rundown of employment aptitudes recorded by work for data on the capacities and properties required for different occupations. In the event that you have these general capacities, you are going to support your attractiveness. Normally, it tends to be upsetting to choose which aptitudes and encounters to incorporate, especially in the event that you don't comprehend what looks great on a resume and what could harm your odds. Accordingly, venture the board abilities have come to be very important to various managers. Our resume developer makes it easy to make an elegantly composed resume in al most no time. You should adhere to exactly the same for all of your significant focuses to make them helpful from the point of view of being shortlisted by methods for a selection representative. A resume, in the interim, fills in as a depiction of a person's profession and the manner in which their accreditations coordinate the necessities of a specific position. Peruse it two or three events and you'll most likely spot three or four basic abilities referenced commonly all through the archive. Watchwords are just a single piece of modifying your resume to a specific activity. Hard abilities tend to be progressively specialized, and every business or sort of occupation will regularly have its own essential set. Not bow chasing capacities or nunchuck capacities. Presently, investigate a not very good resume target guide to comprehend what you should maintain a strategic distance from. Specialized aptitudes are either something you have or you don't, yet they're continually something which it is conceivable to learn. It is basic to remain vtae and alert so you comprehend everything your subject imparts. Getting the Best Resume Writing Psychology Skills A straightforward resume format will be your absolute best wager. Talk with the clinician continue layouts you run into on the site to obtain an idea of what you should remember for your resume. As you compose either report you'll wish to consider how to make the most productive introduction of your capacities and abilities, just as what factors as far as you can tell and show your ability to fulfill the requests of the activity. The awesome news about the aptitudes recorded is that they might be scholarly. Abilities If there are various types of aptitudes which are essential to the activity that you're applying for, you can incorporate a few abilities list in your resume. Remember, most of the outstanding abilities that you set on your resume should be work related aptitudes taken from the work portrayal and your best transferable abilities. The Pain of Resume Writing Psychology Skills Customer fulfillment is significant. When it implies your aptitudes are more sought after, also, it implies there are an assortment of new devices you could need to learn as an approach to make a flourishing vocation. The Appeal of Resume Writing Psychology Skills 3 First, you need to choose the best aptitudes for your resume. Posting your aptitudes gives an opportunity to exhibit your capacities and encounters to prime bosses for the rest of your resume. Adequately displaying your relational abilities can assist you with separating yourself from various competitors. You've measured a large portion of your accomplishments that is acceptable. Indeed, even without earlier history, it's despite everything genuine that you have the right stuff, training, and individual capabilities important to make a decent case for what reason you'd be an incredible competitor. Utilize an outline segment to feature your primary vocation accomplishments and methods in a brief manner.

Friday, July 3, 2020

How to manage time effectively - its all about priorities!

How to manage time effectively - its all about priorities! How to manage time effectively its all about priorities! Image Source: Unsplash / Photography: Angelina LitvinWHEN we speak about how to manage time effectively, it’s important to deal in precise definitions, and deconstruct some phrases and terms that have become cliches. Such as ‘time management’!If  time management was the sole ingredient of financial success, then every mother of young children would be a multi-millionaire.What is a more potent measure of business success is a demonstrable ability to get more from the time that’s available by managing priorities, rather than time. This is not time-management, but a matter of  how to manage time effectively, about ensuring that time is allocated to the things that matter. It is  not managing time.Sir Richard Branson has the same 24 hours as you and I, and yet he seems to get more from time. Ditto, Warren Buffett.The reason why is that they are better at managing priorities than most other people, and, unlike young mums, have the freedom to set priorities and pursue them.In other words, Branson and Buffett decide what is important to them in terms of their business and their life goals, and go after those things as a matter of priority.Stephen Covey’s fantastic   book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, is very illuminating on this point.Check Price In this book, Covey conjures the image of a week as the perfect patch in the fabric of life. It’s a lovely analogy, which makes me imagine a series of patchwork quilts, each made up of 52 identically sized but completely different patches, representing one year.He writes that the secret of being truly effective and successful is to make each week count. Covey also sets out three steps towards this end.Decide your priorities and plan the week, each week, before the week begins.Organize and execute around those prioritiesReview and repeat.With all this in mind, take  a look at my ‘Coffee With Colm’ video on time-management, why I believe it doesn’t work, and ideas for an alternative approach.Vi deo Source: Colm O’BrienIn my book  Feeding Johnny â€" How to Build a Business Despite the Roadblocks, I explore these ideas further in a section entitled ‘Time Management Doesn’t Work’. They are inspired by our experiences following the (spectacular) failure of our first business, when it looked like our new business, Carambola, had made a breakthrough.Check Price Some people may think that I may be suggesting that life is too random to plan anything, but I must emphatically burst that particular bubble. Planning is essential. It is trying to manage time itself that’s impossible.Here’s a simple exercise. Stop all of the watches, clocks and timepieces in your home or office for a period of time, say around 15 minutes, and then restart them. Now, what time is it? It is not the time that it says on the clock. No, in reality, it’s 15 minutes later than what your timepieces are displaying. Time marches on, inexorably. You can’t ‘manage’ time itself.It was during that busy breakthrough period for Carambola that I began to study carefully the writings of Stephen Covey. If you follow up on this, and I believe you should, look out for Covey’s ‘Quadrant Two Living’ concept and his ‘Big Rocks’ theory.With these concepts Covey argues that it’s important to first decide what’s important in our lives, and then prioritise the activities that give us the desired results in those key areas.You then schedule time for those activities first each week, often sacrificing the less important activities. When it comes to work life balance and managing your day, remember Covey’s simple instruction:“Organise and execute around priorities.”