Friday, July 24, 2020

10 Blog Topics to Build Your Real Estate Profile

10 Blog Topics to Build Your Real Estate Profile 10 Blog Topics to Build Your Real Estate Profile Becoming a real estate agent is not just about getting a license. There’re a lot of tasks and costs involved in getting started as a working agent. In essence, you’re starting your own small business. You have to invest the time and money to get it off the ground. You are an independent contractor, which means you need a standalone business model and a business plan. body{background:#fff} .simple_slider p{font-family:'Roboto',sans-serif; font-size:18px; line-height:22px} .simple_slider h3{font-family:'Roboto',sans-serif; font-size:32px} .simple_slider h3 a{font-family:'Roboto',sans-serif; font-size:32px; text-decoration:none; color:#fff} .simple_slider .onecolor{background-color:#007357;} .simple_slider .purple{background-color:#cb391a} .simple_slider .purple2{background-color:#331259} .simple_slider .pink{background-color:#dc311f} .simple_slider .green{background-color:#85ad05} .simple_slider .green-dark{background-color:#556409} .simple_slider .orange{background-color:#e1640f} .simple_slider .brown{background-color:#602817} .simple_slider .blue{background-color:#002a89} .simple_slider .cyan{background-color:#03628e} .simple_slider .dorange{background-color:#ed1b24} .simple_slider .black{background-color:#0f0801} .simple_slider .gray{background-color:#525759} .simple_slider{width:100%; 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After a few years in the biz, youll have plenty of raw material and insight. The real estate industry is brimming with interesting topics to explore such as financing, economics, social trends, interior decorating, marketing, psychology, negotiation, appraisal, and law. Get into a writing habit daily or weekly. Keep a little notebook handy to jot down topic ideas. And keep up a regular publishing schedule so readers dont lose interest. You can probably find 10 blog ideas any day of the year as a real estate agent. Here are some blog topics for the next time youre looking for something new to write about… 1. Get to Know You People prefer to work with someone they know and trust. If consumers can get to know more about your history, processes, talents, awards, and former clients, they may feel more comfortable choosing you to handle one of the biggest, and most stressful, transactions of their lives. © 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 2. Local Market Real estate is local. You want to establish yourself as the local expert, so why not show it? There are tons of topic ideas all around you: Events Businesses Trends Entertainment Luxury properties Affordable properties Local issues Interviews Hot neighborhoods © 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 3. Target Your Target Audience What is your audience interested in? What do they need to know? Surely, youve already done lots of research to get to know your audience. Use that consumer profile to generate relevant blog topics targeted to each group. © 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 4. Staging and Showing Tips This is where you really get to have fun and unleash your creative side. Sellers are always hungry for advice on how to make their houses more attractive to buyers. Staging and showing tips are usually standard advice for clients. Give readers an idea of what its like to work with you. © 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 5. Buyer and Seller Checklists and Guides Buyers guides, sellers checklists, listing plans. There are many different steps and processes in a sales transaction that consumers know little about. Offer slick-looking, printable guides, how-tos, lists, and infographics © 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 6. Explain Sales Transactions Do a step-by-step explainer of a typical transaction from the buyers perspective and/or the sellers. Or look for topics or terms than non-agents often misunderstand. Explain a complicated, multi-party process like financing or closing. © 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 7. Trends Architecture, interior design, green building, mortgages, and advertising see trends come and go. Spotlight a few trends that are heating up in your city. © 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 8. Field Guide As a slide show or infographic, put together a field guide to house styles, mortgage types, negotiation strategies, contracts or anything else people want to learn more about. Whats the difference between a balloon mortgage and a wrap-around mortgage? Whats the difference between a Victorian house and a Tudor style? © 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 9. Advice for Agents Establishing a great reputation among other agents is important for business, so dont forget that audience, especially if youre experienced. Perhaps start a weekly or monthly column offering advice and tips for other real estate professionals. © 2018 | 888-360-8764 | 10. Renovations and Repairs Homeowners want to know which renovations and upgrades have the best return on investment. How much does it cost to put on a new roof? Whats the cost of a new furnace? What repairs should homeowners do each year to properly maintain a house? Both buyers and sellers will want to know which renovations will add value to a house. © 2018 | 888-360-8764 | © 2018 | 888-360-8764 | / /company/360training /360training /360training © 2018 | 888-360-8764 | When you renew your license every few years, there’ll be between $50 $300 for continuing education. Marketing is one of the largest expenses for an agent. Some spend over $1,000 per year on marketing. A big part of your budget the first year will go toward marketing yourself and your listings. A good-looking real estate web site can cost up to $1,500 per year. Then there’s also business cards, signs, flyers, and brochures. It can be tough to get started, but a career in real estate is interesting and rewarding with lots of independence and room to grow. Before you begin an exciting journey in real estate, research expenses in your area, draft a business plan and a budget, and save money for an income buffer. Click To Tweet Your first year as a real estate agent will proceed smoothly and successfully with some preparation before you start. The first step in becoming a real estate agent is completing the real estate pre-license course required in your state. The hassle-free choice is, a trusted provider of online real estate education. Take your real estate training at your own pace whenever you want. Enroll today!

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